Workshops & Services
Current workshops
We have good news and bad news! The good news is that we can offer limited workshops for the remainder of 2024. The bad news is that Behaviour Matters is closing down after 10 magnificent years of working with many amazing schools and their people. It is time for us to put our energy and time elsewhere so a very heartfelt thank you to you all. As a final farewell we would like to quote one of our most endearing educators - Haim Ginot who said -
Teachers are expected to reach unattainable goals with inadequate tools. The miracle is that at times they accomplish this impossible task.
Introductory sessions for schools wanting to investigate and explore Tier 1 & Tier 2 strategies and supports. Advanced workshops for schools needing to develop their 'wraparound' supports for Tier 3 students.
Behaviourmatters can provide schools with a 10 Step Functional Behaviour Analysis to avoid reinventing wheels with developing Observation Audits, Individual Education & Behaviour plans and Crisis and Care plans.
David is presenting a range of Restorative Practice programs for Critical Agendas.
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For a range of Restorative Practices workshops click here or go to the top left hand corner menu of this page and place cursor over 'workshops' to show the link.