A most enjoyable workshop that gives me hope for the future. 
Marvellous and inspiring presentation, thank you so much the time just flew!
This practice would fulfil a need not just at my school but I imagine in all schools.
It has certainly changed my view of my role in dealing with offenders, as well as all others concerned in misbehaviour in a schools setting.
A really worthwhile day, thanks.
Brilliant - please make available in future for follow up, and revision.
A wonderful presentation informative, entertaining, and inspirational. I can only hope that we can get all staff on board with this approach.
Have found this approach to be fantastic and probably have used some parts of it before. It has confirmed that what I have done in the past has been on the right track.
Very interesting, challenging and stimulating day spent, lots of ideas and things I can see improving many areas at our school.
Inspired we as a school had reached a point where we needed further direction, motivation and the start of that was found today.